What's the point?

What's the point?

I see that Kerr is talking about Flash. In particular Flash Intro pages, and I have to say (as much as it sickness me) I agree with him. I cannot see the point in Flash Intro pages, they are slow and pointless. It is what I call the "London Design School". Most London design people I have dealt with have been in short.. wankers. Sorry, but I can only go on my own experince, and that is what I think. They seem to think that Flash is the next best thing and that it will replace HTML and CGI, in one word bollocks.

I am currently learning ActionScripting and I have to say it is quite a good language, but I just don't see the point in having it in a web environment. I very rarely like flash sites as they do nothing for me. If someone can recommend me a good site that uses flash that I would find useful then please contact me. Until that point I will continue to think that Flash is the biggest pile of pish for web content. Please prove me wrong, but I doubt you can.