Please don't read if easily offended
Okay, first things first - lets get the ranting out of the way!!!
I woke up this morning with a pain in my right leg, went to the doctor - long story short - another bout of cellulitus. FUCKING BALLS TWAT ARSE TESCTICALS AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!
I suppose it could be worse, but I could really really really do without it now. I am on anti-biotics now, hopefully that will kill the infection, however I had to get a blood test done. I am a complete whore to get blood out of. Its a genetic thing that I got from my Grandmother on my Father's side. Of all the things to get from that side of the family I have to get the 'stupid veins' - they just refuse to come out. I now what you are thinking, and yes 'that' probably doesn't help. I spent an hour with my hands in hot water trying to get the veins to come to the top.
There are three things you can count on in this life:
1. You will die
2. Taxes
3. Me being in a good mood in the month of December
I know I am feeling sorry for myself now, but FUCK IT. I know there are worse people out there than me and I will probably read this tomorrow and think 'WHAT A TWAT' - but its how I feel now. My 'good' leg is now sore to walk on and I want to punch somebody. If I could get away with it I would punch that stupid fucking nurse this morning who refused to take my blood without even trying. So not was I only late into work this morning I had to leave early to make the 4.40pm appointment they made. Ahhhhh.. I have the upmost respect for nurses, my Sister is gonna be one when she graduates, but holy fuck it was a complete cop-out not even trying. Grrrrrrrrrrr....
On a good note, the Leech had her 21st birthday a while back, Moffett had is 27 (yes 27th) last week and I am going into Belfast tomorrow with my Mum for our annual christmas shopping day. I usually get all my presents that day, but I don't know how long I can stand about the town. I can already feel the antibiotics knocking the fuck out of my stomach so I am not really looking forward to the christmas dinner. I'll still do a review for the wulf, even though I am not allowed to swear :(
Actually I feel an awful lot better now than I did when I started to write this entry.... Yup... I just read it back and thought 'TWAT'. I was also a moody fucker in work today and probably pissed of a few dudes in there, so I am sorry if I pissed you off. There are way worse dudes and dudettes than me out there - I am lucky. But if I /ever/ see that nurse again - she will need all her expertise to save herself. She actually said this to me 'I can't find a vein... What would you do if you were in accident and a paramedic had to find a vein straight away?'. My reply was a very stern 'Happy Christmas to you too!'. Stupid, stupid woman... No bedside manner at all.. Grrrrrr..
- life, (20)
- cellulitus (2)