Spin Spin Spin

I just made it in time for spin this morning. The reason I was late was a simple one, I slept in. However I could have made it, only I couldn't go to work without my making my lunch. I am not strong enough to go to a shop or a bakery and order nutty bread and tuna without getting 5 doughnuts with it. I know that I am weak, so I took an extra 10mins and drove like a nutter to the gym :)

This session was good. I was complaining a while back that I would like the class to be a bit different as I was getting used to the tracks, the rounds and knew that I had to pace myself for the big hill climb at the end. Well.... I got what I wanted and boy did it hurt!!!

When I train with my PT I want to know what I have ahead of me. When I am in this class I don't get that luxury. Most of the songs he plays are the usual Euro Pop candy ass stuff I wouldn't listen to so I don't have a clue what is going on. The 5th song (out of 7) was Guns n Roses - Paradise City. The dude told us that this was the hardest song in the session. And I knew exactly how long the song lasted, I knew when we were going to climb (cos of the tempo), I knew when we were going to race (cos of the riffs).

Long story short - I never want to know again.. According to one of the fellas doing the class I went really really white on that song :)

I enjoyed the class though, hardest I have pushed myself yet. And I am going for a run after work in the gym with some fella. So that'll be fun.

Yup, I am making up for the weekend alright.
  • training (59)