In any Rails app I am building I always find myself having to add user authentication into it. Luckily this is done really simple by the wonderful Devise gem.
It becomes a bit of a pain to integrate into the test suite though. I usually use RSpec in my tests. Though a conversation with Barry Gordon has got me thinking that maybe I should move to minitest (more on this at a later date).
After adding in devise a few times I've come up with a quick way of getting your request specs up and running fairly quickly:
Dir[Rails.root.join('spec/support/**/*.rb')].each { |f| require f } # ... RSpec.configure do |config| # ... config.include RequestSpecHelper, type: :request end
root to: 'home#index' authenticated do root to: 'authenticated#index', as: :authenticated_root endspec/requests/sessions_spec.rb
require 'rails_helper' RSpec.describe 'Sessions' do it 'signs user in and out' do user = User.create!(email: 'foo@barr.baz', password: 'secret') sign_in user get authenticated_root_path expect(controller.current_user).to eq(user) sign_out user get authenticated_root_path expect(controller.current_user).to be_nil end endspec/support/request_spec_helper.rb
module RequestSpecHelper include Warden::Test::Helpers def self.included(base) base.before(:each) { Warden.test_mode! } base.after(:each) { Warden.test_reset! } end def sign_in(resource) login_as(resource, scope: warden_scope(resource)) end def sign_out(resource) logout(warden_scope(resource)) end private def warden_scope(resource) end endspec/requests/whatever.rb
require 'rails_helper' RSpec.describe 'MyMoods', type: :request do scenario 'GET /my_moods?start_date=2018-08-09' do user = User.create!(email: '', password: 'foo') sign_in user visit '/' expect(page).to have_content('My Moods') end end